$1.17 M from “Dark Money” PAC in Ohio flows into pro-Foley effort

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11 Responses

  1. cliffy says:

    Am I to conclude that Malloy does NOT partake of this type of financing? No, but you’d think that given the headline/text! I am surprised they didn’t turn this into two stories with the same bent, as they often do. Does that mean the paper is getting a fairness conscience? I doubt it.

  2. Gene Corey says:

    What else would you expect??????

  3. Gregg says:

    “outside money from both sides has exceeded the $6.5 million”

    yet the title of the article is “$1.17 M from “Dark Money” PAC in Ohio flows into pro-Foley effort”

    your pro-Malloy bias is getting tiring

  4. tom says:

    I’ve seen a lot of negative about Foley in this paper, I guess Malloy is flawless.

  5. Chris C says:

    Lots of silly articles trying to disparage Foley, but having the opposite effect …the fact is Malloy is completely incompetent and has led CT to the bottom …one of the WORST states in the country for economic growth. Of course, Malloy still has plenty of supporters …all the deadbeat welfare addicts, lazy government workers and other leaches living off the taxpayer.

  6. nowaytoday says:

    lots of money also flows the other way there is that reporting. this paper is such a joke on how it reports. Always make the democrats look poor, make the republicans look rich and cut throat, when in reality its the other way around least the cut throat part. Funny the KKK was founded by democrats in order to keep the black people from ever getting ahead in life, yet you can see this when you see a successful black person and he is buried by the democrats. only if your a liberal and for the agenda you can speak, not if you are the opposite. malloy can kiss my ### and come to my home and I will tell you to your face…

  7. FEDUP says:

    GEEZ……another S**T article from Dixon

    Who would have thought?????…..what a scumbag

  8. Ronomonroe says:

    Please also enlighten us as to how much of your dark money, or union money, or obama money, or clinton money, or alinsky money or soros money or on and on and on has gone to malloy you piece of excrement.

  9. Russ1944 says:

    Not surprised News Times has failed to mention how much ‘Dark Money’ as they call it has been flowing into Connecticut from the DNC and all the Democrat PACS.

  10. Wish that the money could be put to better use than elect these two guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Jerry says:

    Dear Newstimes,

    Now I know why I dropped my subscription. I cannot believe how partisan this paper is becoming. In the column labeled “recent posts” ( as of this writing) their are 8 posts with all of those aimed at Republican in a negative manner and those aimed at the democrats are in a positive manner…….unbelievable.
    1) “Michael Bloomberg’s $uper Pac buy NYC TV in support of Malloy vs.
    2) $1.17 m from “Dark Money” Pac in Ohio flows into pro-Foley effort.

    Is this a little insinuation on your part that one is bad and another is good?