9-point Foley lead evaporates in NYT/CBS News online poll

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33 Responses

  1. Rich says:

    Why do millionaires run for office? Can’t regular people run?

  2. Rich says:

    Guns don’t kill people……people kill people

  3. Not BRG says:

    I cannot wait to see the comments when Malloy is re-elected off of Foley’s incompetence. Will you still blame the leftist socialist media for that? Or blame Bridgeport because only people on entitlements will vote for Malloy? Foley’s lead is slipping because he is presenting himself as an elitest. Skipping debates, proposing lower taxes without clearly defined spending cuts, promising increased funding for mental health while cutting taxes, and refusing to be transparent about his own tax situation. If Malloy gets re-elected, it won’t be the fault of the Post, it will be because Foley badly misplayed an easy game to win.

  4. Robert says:

    all of you worried about foley’s taxes but not a little perplexed how malloy was able to write off $200.000 in rental income by claming $198,000 in repairs on his house? fine stay in ct–vote for malloy –pay the 2nd highest per capita state income tax in the country. pay your property tax on your vehicle. enjoy

  5. Kristen says:


  6. Kristen says:

    The Democrats have done NOTHING for the PEOPLE of CT!! High time for a CHANGE!!

  7. Kristen says:

    NRA is protecting YOUR right to protect yourself or your family…….WHY does that make them psychopaths? I’d
    If there would have been ONE person with a GUN at Sandy Hook that animal wouldn’t have been able to kill all of those people! Look what just happened in Canada with that terrorist who was KILLED by someone with a gun!! It was the crazy mom who put the gun in the killers hands !!

  8. Kristen says:


    NOT believe what they tell you just go VOTE

  9. Gene Corey says:

    Let’s see. Foley bought one company, bankrupted it and walked away with 20 million. Then he had it figured out so he bought another one in Pa. and had a massive layoff, sent the work to Mexico, took 40 million for himself and that is OK by you. Really? Now for the last three years he has paid zero percent income tax on his earnings in the millions and says you guys struggling on 40 or 50 thousand a year can pay my share of taxes and there are real humans out there who want him as governor??? WOW!!!!

  10. Mike Ecsedy says:

    It’s a shame that Jonathan Pelto didn’t get enough signatures to petition onto the ballot. He would be a true independent voice for the little guy.

  11. Auntie Teabag says:

    Looks like the NRA psychopaths are out in force this evening

  12. Auntie Teabag says:

    Bye bye Foley….soon you will be sharing a prison cell with soon to be former Florida GOv RIck Scott!

  13. JakeM. says:

    Lies, only criminals and welfare recipients will vote for malloy

  14. Jack says:

    Oh yeah. Like the New York Times or CBS is going to report a Foley lead – sure.

    Ever striving to control the minds and actions of the populace, you can bet your bottom dollar anything they say can be taken with a grain of salt.

  15. Jack Rielly says:

    Joe Hill says:
    October 27, 2014 at 6:00 pm
    Anyone voting for Malloy just is not paying attention, or at least not paying taxes…

    Joeie boy, Fooley is the one NOT PAYING taxes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up fella !

  16. Paul says:

    Rasmussen today has it at Foley 50%, Malloy 43%, Visconti 2%,Undecide/None of the above 4%

  17. RealCTResiden says:

    Why do any of you care about what a poll says? This shouldn’t affect how you vote.

    This guy will be voting pro-gun. He would like his larger capacity clips back:

  18. FEDUP says:

    National Review: Malloy is country’s ‘worst governor’
    Posted on October 9, 2014 | By Frank Juliano
    A conservative magazine founded by William Buckley, with Milford resident Jack Fowler on the masthead as publisher, is calling Gov. Dannel Malloy the worst governor in the U.S.

  19. FEDUP says:

    More BS.

  20. Joe Hill says:

    Anyone voting for Malloy just is not paying attention, or at least not paying taxes…

  21. Jude says:

    Spot on ! More lies from the long arm of the left wing liberals, the Bloomberg Post. I would venture to say that even Visconti has more votes than Malloy. Sure seems like they’re setting the stage for voter fraud. We should return to hand ballots and watch every Democrat lose. It was recently revealed that Democrats in tight races are winning because of illegals voting. And that’s straight from the horses mouth!

  22. Don’t believe the liberal story and this newspaper’s bias to keep malloy

  23. Sharpshooter says:

    So surprised the liberal New York Times and CBS poll finds that Foley’s lead has evaporated…..all the more reason to vote for him…..

  24. Billybob says:

    Boy, are these pollsters gonna be embarrassed

  25. nowaytoday says:

    More bias polls reporting, I dont read or watch either liberal outlet rag. No worries here. Pack your bags malloy.

  26. grahan says:

    When did The Greenwich report that Foley had the lead?
    Amazingly left slanted & bigotted newspaper.

  27. Liars says:

    Of course they would say that. The polls were taken by Liberal news outlets…..

  28. JETT says:

    It’s really hard to believe that CT voters are that far removed from reality. But, of course, if they never take the time to learn or if they’re counting on the usual dead people voting or “vote early and often”, then I guess we’re in a lot of trouble.

  29. Jack Rielly says:

    AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The good citizens of CT are seeing Fooley for what he really is !!!!!!!!!!!

  30. chris says:

    Yeah right, Who wrote this. Molloy himself Freakin liberals.

    What they actually meant to say was Foley takes huge lead.