Foley moves to block extended voting for all of Hartford

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24 Responses

  1. Fantastic page you have here. Great stuff here to use. Looking forward to seeing more. Only desire to have more hours to stay longer.

  2. Jesus Gealy says:

    Awesome site you have here. Great stuff here to peruse. Looking forward to reading more. Only hope to have more time to stay longer.

  3. Myrl Everitt says:

    Fantastic site you have here. Useful stuff here to use. Looking forward to reading more. Only desire to have more time to stay longer.

  4. Chris Kling says:

    Awesome site you have here. Useful stuff here to use. Looking forward to seeing more. Only hope to have more hours to stay longer.

  5. SeanO says:

    Regardless, the best interest of voters should be the priority, a move against the voters is a move against pure democracy.

  6. Patriot says:

    Malloy saw the numbers coming up for Foley and knew the only way to win was get the black and illegal votes increased.

    Democrats again show that they will do anything to win an election.

    Malloy and the democrats are the worst thing that could happen to Connecticut. Anyone that voted for them deserve what they get. Unfortunately everyone else will suffer also.

  7. interior says:

    Wow,everything I need is all here. Thanks

  8. Disgusted says:

    Whew. The Democrat’s ploy to keep all of the polls in Hartford open didn’t work … just 2 will stay open for an extra half hour.

  9. Disgusted says:

    How is giving people until 8 pm to vote stopping them from exercising their right to vote? Such claims should be lodged against on guilty party: the registrars who failed to get the voter lists to the polls. The Republicans are just saying, the rules are the rules and there’s no apparent need to keep every poll in Hartford open an extra hour. If the courts allow all of the polls to stay open, as they did in Bridgeport, there will be no incentive for inept registrars to get their acts together. And ongoing skepticism about corruption in Ct. elections will fester.

  10. Idiocracy says:

    I believe they pushed through the extra time. They are very good at this and have good contacts in the courts. Twice in a row now. I wish the Republicans could be this corrupt once in a while!

  11. Paul Ricard says:

    What? A republican seeking to stop people from exercising their right to vote? What a surprise!

  12. igor12 says:

    LKennedy I don’t they are trying to keep people from voting. I do think Malloy is trying to extend the hours so he can get more inner city votes. I wonder what he promised the folks this time. More freebies?

  13. giantballsack says:

    LOL @ all the old white people who think voter fraud actually exists and that Black Panthers really sit outside of polling area intimidating voters. Those scary brown people are everywhere…including the White House…EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!

    Please do us and yourselves a favor and stop watching Fox News. You are far too weak minded and impressionable to handle this kind of stuff. They’re do nothing but filling your little heads up with garbage and hatred. Seek help before it’s too late.

  14. e pluribus unum says:

    Only Hartford????? Why not do a reverse 911 call to ALL state residences and extend it in EVERY town? Right, they only want to city voters to get extra voting time and attention.

  15. Josephine Migliano says:


  16. Elle says:

    How about a headline more indicative of the content?
    Foley Supports Accommodating Voters Directly Impacted by Delays.

    Too pro-Foley? Clearly.

    And it isn’t “denying people the right to vote”: RTFA

    To extend voting for the entire city, Foley said, would be a mistake.
    “Listen, the rules are the rules,” said Foley, who supports accommodating those voters who were directly impacted by the delays.

    Also, it was McKinney who suggested that the same consideration would not be extended to a suburban town. Again, RTFA.

  17. JETT says:

    The Republicans do not want to deny people the right to vote. They want to prevent the voter fraud that takes place every election by the Dems. The black panthers got away with intimidating people to vote for Obama or else and then there was the case of busloads of non-citizen Somalis being driven to the polls. Nobody remembers that because it was suppressed by the media.

  18. JETT says:

    Finally, a Republican who stand up to the bully. I hope he wins this battle of the polls being open late so Malloy can finagle things to his benefit.

  19. Paul V says:

    And the machines in Bridgeport of all places were stuck and broken, etc. We’ll just add those votes at the end…whatever we need to do to prolong the misery of Malloy and his ‘charitable’ ilk.

  20. Anderson Scooper says:

    I’m glad Foley supports extending polling place hours for those precincts that had problems this morning. But I’m surprised he’s so callous as to suggest that the same wouldn’t happen for a suburban town.

    What the GOP does in pitting town vs cities is just so incredibly bad for Connecticut. And they wonder why city voters are rejecting Republicanism by greater and greater margins?

  21. LKennedy says:

    Typical republican move to try to keep people from voting even if the plots were inoperative for a period of time.

  22. Alex says:

    While I really dont like Foley, He’s got this one right.
    Malloy is so desperate he will do anything to try and get another vote.
    Sorry Danny boy, its time to get off the public teat and find something to do.

  23. Jude says:

    Voter Fraud by Democratic party

  24. Kevin says:

    Why do the Republican always want to deny people the opportunity to vote? They did this stuff in other states like in FL to get Bush elected. They make it so hard to you to vote.