State Democratic boss: Foley trying to suppress turnout in Hartford

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6 Responses

  1. Wonderful site you have here. Good stuff here to use. Looking forward to reading more. Only hope to have more minutes to stay longer.

  2. Disgusted says:

    Being able to sign an affidavit in the am and having the ability to go to the polls until 8 pm is suppressing a voter’s right to vote? What’s your position on the registrars in Hartford suppressing voters right to vote, Ms. DiNardo??? Aren’t they the ones who committed a crime here? Ready to climb back up on your soapbox and place blame where blame is do? Ready to call for the ouster of the inept registrars in Ct’s dysfunctional capital?

  3. den kixon says:

    Nancy “what have you done for me lately” is as useless as four of her chins.

  4. Jay Berardino says:

    Voters could have voted without waiting for the lists by signing an affidavit verifying their identity in addition to showing their identification.

  5. Hugh G Erextion says:

    Inept Democrates and the dumpy chairperson blames Tom Foley. You can’t makes this up

  6. Jschmidt says:

    Again democrats just think they can ignore the laws. Sent Merrill suppose to fix this issue from last time.