Did Somers cost Foley the governorship?

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7 Responses

  1. Audrey says:

    The problem in this campaign was the Top Guy Foley not Somers. He should have used her more in public and in commercials. She was the best asset of the campaign and should run again only this time for Governor. It is inconceivable anyone would place any blame on Somers. It is pathetic to even try.

  2. Disgusted says:

    It is ridiculous to blame Somers. Plus if someone is dumb enough not to vote for a BETTER candidate because of what he or she may have done to another candidate gets what they deserve. Unfortunately the people of CT are paying for this idiocy.

    Foley should have campaigned with Christy in Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven. He would have cut into the majority Malloy had and we would be talking about Governor Elect Foley.

  3. Jim says:

    Somers was the best thing the Foley campaign had going for it. Heard her speak many times and she was bright, articulate and had great knowledge of the issues. It’s like the arrogant Foley to blame her because he cannot recognize he is the reason he lost. She was solid and the people love her.

  4. Sharon Pealer says:

    It is just plain nonsense to blame Somers. Foley has lost twice and both times much of the loss can be traced to his being poorly informed about the issues and ill-prepared to debate. The man still has not sent thank you e-mails to the volunteers who put in countless hours trying to help his campaign. As far as Somers not carrying Groton or New London, take a look at all the people who are on the welfare rolls living in the area.

  5. Wayne says:

    It is beyond absurd to blame Somers. Every time we saw her on the campaign trail she was upbeat, energetic and could touch voters. The opposite of Foley. We needed to see her more but my inclination is Foley did not want to be upstaged. The problem was no one liked Foley. People do like Somers and it was clear from the applause level at the Hyatt on election night. The crowd roared for Heather they did not for Foley or his staff. As far as the comment below with Mayor Mark – He was never going to make it and should just go away – This entire time you have only heard his side and Somers has not publicly commented because she is a class act.

  6. Savvy says:

    Or maybe Foley lost all by himself by alienating teachers and doctors, by appearing uninformed and uninterested in public transportation or housing, by crafting TV ads that convinced no one, by announcing a vacuous urban plan and very few budget details. So the unaffiliated voter remained totally uninspired.

  7. Fords says:

    I did not vote for Foley because of what Somers did to Mayor Mark.