Malloy scraps visit to White House because of weather, flight delay

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7 Responses

  1. nowaytoday says:

    He has no reason to go and kiss up since the Republicans have taken over, malloy can sit home with the rest of the useless representatives.

  2. Ned Johansen says:

    Good! Stay home, stop lying about how bad you made Connecticut financially, and FIX THINGS!

  3. Well at least the state saves some money on this cancelled trip now. Don’t worry, it will be wasted somewhere else for sure.

  4. Rob says:

    I didnt vote for either of these dopes. They are both the worst thing for the people of this state and this country. Thanks to all you blind idiots that kept them in office. You will one day regret it. They will prove just how much they dont care about the people.

  5. WF says:

    Dumb and dumbest!!!

  6. FEDUP says:

    All you idiots voted for this loser… pay for his vacations to DC

  7. I assume the TAXPAYERS are paying for his trip to DC w/ deluxe accommodations etc………….