Blumenthal: Hillary Clinton ‘can make history’

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12 Responses

  1. Ralph says:

    Clinton needs to rid herself from this self serving Presidential back stabber.

  2. GRAHAM says:

    What do Hillary Clinton & Brian Williams have in common?

    “they both thought they were on the other Helicopter”!


  3. GRAHAM says:


  4. Jim says:

    Blumenthal, a treasonous fraud with misguided allegiances. Another Lieberman from whom Clinton would be wise to distance herself as he WILL cost her votes.

  5. yankee says:

    Best thing that could happen for AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go girl !!!!

  6. StamfordAttorney says:

    No More Bushes .. No More Clintons
    Why don’t we try someone who isn’t owned hook line and sinker by Goldman Sachs, the Military Industrial Complex and other foreign lobbyists.
    Seriously, how much more corruption and incompetence can one country take?

  7. B says:

    History for being the first secretary of state to be indicted

  8. Kevin says:

    Everyone knows this means she’d take CT right? But not to worry, she won’t run. It’s all a sick circus. Sicker than she is. Who announces a candidacy over the internet? And this crazy person would make the biggest splash possible no?

  9. FEDUP says:

    Now I’m positive this guy is NUTS!!

  10. Ned Johanson says:

    Bloomie keeps showing us what a buffoon he is! He is really in the tank for the corrupt Hillary Clinton!

  11. DISTINGUISHED SECRETARY OF STATE???? What planet did he come off of? Can anyone care to remember any of her accomplishments besides letting four of our own die in Benghazi and the cover up that followed up after it with Susan Rice etc….

  12. bambid says:

    Hillary has already made history, Benghazi, while on her watch an American ambassador along with 3 others were killed. Where was Hillary? Even her own party dumped her in favor of Obama. She’s not Presidential material. She thinks she is entitled.