Dim prospects for domestic violence protection bill

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3 Responses

  1. teebonicus says:

    You can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    Due process protections aren’t optional – they are constitutionally MANDATORY.

    Before a right can be denied, even temporarily, due process demands and adversarial hearing where allegations can be answered with rebuttal, and all of the evidence weighed before a decision is made.

  2. rehafner says:

    Confiscation of private property without due process. Typical thinking of left wing control freaks.

  3. Gene Ralno says:

    Another hot button talking point without substance. Leftist poppycock. Stuff like this are not the business of government except in the ordinary sense of all other crimes. This particular poppycock invites false accusations by couples in the process of splitting up. Creates unnecessary fear. Shares those characteristics with hate speech.