Foley: voters should be able to remove Malloy from office

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5 Responses

  1. littlemike says:

    I voted with my feet last year, moved to North Carolina. It was the best decision I ever made, and I feel like I have escaped from behind the Berlin Wall. Without the recall option, Corrupticut is not salvageable, so get out while you can. That is, except all those who voted for Malloy, y’all just stay right there and don’t come down and destroy our state like Connecticut with your voting habits.

  2. Kathy Hatch says:

    Mr Foley, you were winning. I watched those figures come up and all of a sudden all the tv stations were saying Malloy was the winner! Someone wanted him in office both times. Recall? Impeachment would be the best thing. I would work with you. He shot down HB 5315 that would go after deadbeat parents. I care for my 12 yr old severely Autistic grandson. My daughter cannot afford to give me much. Her ex gives nothing, is working and getting disability. Malloy is sinking this state. There has to be something we can do. I cannot afford to give anyone another cent. We needed you!

  3. ElRushbo says:

    Hey Dr, learn the difference between TO and TOO, most 2nd graders have done so.

  4. Dr PK says:

    To late Malloy already destroyed CT , it is 100 times worse today then it was when I left that sh thole. Connecticut is the A – hole of the nation. Don’t miss that cesspool one bit !

  5. William says:

    This is the first time I agree with a Republican. Get Malloy out before he ruins this state completely.