GOP leader flies Confederate flag

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70 Responses

  1. Dan Hunt says:

    This has nothing to do with the flag. It is another method by socialists to erase U.S. History from the minds of the populace in order to eliminate resistance of transforming from a Constitutional Republic to a totalitarian State.

    The U.S. Flag represents the U.S. Constitution which permitted Slavery. If we extend the line of thinking to remove the South Carolina flag, then the U.S. Flag should also be removed along with the U.S. Constitution. Socialists will be targeting both next.

    It’s amazing how gullible the so called CT GOP is to believe and agree with this ploy. It illustrates the point Republicans united long ago with Democrats to become one big socialist Republicrat regime to centralize their power for the purpose of eviscerating the Constitution and usurping the people’s Constitutional rights.

  2. Chis says:

    Get it down and put the rainbow colors flag

  3. Jessica Gale says:

    The idiot who shot the nine people in South Carolina IS an American terrorist.

  4. Robert says:

    Meant absurd

  5. Robert says:

    Whether you like it or not, the Confederate flag has come to symbolize hate just as much as a Nazi swastika. It’s the symbol of choice for American terrorist, as it was for the man who killed nine in SC – and it has been for years. Governments and political parties have to be sensitive to the opinions and feeling of the people they govern if they wish to remain relevant. A politician protesting political correctness? That’s interestingly obsurb. And Republicans that support this behavior are condemning their beloved party to becoming the “party of the obsurbs” or worst, the party of irrelevance.

  6. Confed says:

    He’s right if you’re the party of Lincoln you can’t fly the Confederate Battle flag, you need to fly the communist flag, because Lincoln was racist & a communist!

  7. Chris says:

    What a dope. The confederate battle flag is a disgrace to the entire country. It is even worse when some idiot in Connecticut flies it when the confederacy was a treasonous enemy to Connecticut. That flag represents racism plain and simple. It was never even an official flag of the confederacy. It was however used often in the 20th century by groups like the KKK, CCC, and other racist groups to intimidate blacks. Let’s not forget what the civil war was fought over either. Preserving and expanding slavery was the confederacy’s goal.

  8. JK Noff says:

    Julie you’re truley a moron. Most morons I know are democrat. BTW after reconstruction until the early eighties, the Solid South was all DEOMCRAT. Including but not limited to: the KKK, The sheriffs, their dogs, the firemen with the hoses, RFK who signed the court order to survail MLK all DEMOCRAT.

  9. Linda says:

    Did anyone read why Mr. Veley was flying the flag? Aren’t there more important things for the press to cover than someone deciding to make a politically incorrect statement? So, some members of the GOP continue to move left. Rather than defending Mr. Veley’s Constitutional Right to free speech, as did party leader JR Romano, a few decided to hang him out to dry. Mr. Bougton, Mr. Herbst, Mr. Visconti have decided it more important to be politically correct than to make a statement about the absurdity of an object. RINOs charging. Fools who once again allowed the progressives to take control of the dialogue. Well, I guess we know who is will be running for governor in the next race. ISIS has crossed our borders, illegals are bringing crime, disease and gangs. The feds are selling us out to the UN and people fall for ‘oh, look over here!’. People, if this flag offends you then you need a history lesson! Do the research and understand what you are actually spun up about.

  10. Bill Finche says:

    And the GOP should stop naming THEIR dinner after former Senator Prescott Bush who committed treason by doing business with the Nazis while the US was already at war with them. SHAME ON THE GOP and their racist. Lincoln must be rolling in his grave

  11. Lori B says:

    The flag represents the South only to many. Freedom of Speech is quickly being bullied away from us all. Shall we burn down the plantations and cotton fields as they too are reminders of slavery? Bulldoze Auschwitz a reminder of Hitlers atrocities and the Holocaust? No. You cannot hide or change history. Only can Learn from it! This is a smoke & mirrors tactic to emotionalize the people lest they focus on more damaging nat’l goings on like the recently signed Trans Pacific Partnership Act which ensures more US jobs float overseas..

  12. igor12 says:

    Your continued involvement in the Connecticut Republican Party brings no value to the mission of electing good people to public office. The same could be said about you Herbst.

  13. Cindy P says:

    I disagree that this flag represents states rights. To me it has always represented division. I know that wasn’t the intention of the flag when it came to be, but it is what it ended up meaning. It was hijacked, like so many other symbols in our world and became the symbol of hate, evil and racism. In that vein, it has also become a distraction in the conversations that need to be had. Everyone has a right to their opinions, but I agree with Mayor Mark Boughton, you can not be a (Lincoln) Republican and be OK with what this flag stands for. I also agree with First Selectman Herbst. Veley needs to step down. He can no longer be trusted to make the appropriate decisions for this Republican party and will be an unwanted distraction during the process of making those decisions.

  14. Joe Biden says:

    Flying a confederate flag? Whatever floats your boat. Fly a Nazi flag if you like. It does not bother me. Why should it? Only racists are angered by such flag being flown.

  15. Lisa M says:

    I think the this GOP confederate flag flyer is just trying to draw attention to himself. I agree there is too much political correctness, but he think up better ways of getting his point across. He just comes off as a loony confederate supporter(maybe he is, then never mind). I like what Jerry Seinfeld had to say about college campuses, and their level of PC. He’s not playing them anymore-good for him!

  16. Angry Voter says:

    The pathetic democrats took an opportunity to paint all Republicans as racists. Veley was exercising his freedom of speech and expression. He is one person and is not a racist nor is the GOP. It’s more racist to constantly label people as anything more than a human being for policies gain, special benefits, and money like the Democratic party who controls Government and are the slave masters of the less fortunate. They need thwir votes to keep power and to keep giving them crumbs while they reap the rewards.

  17. Joe Visconti says:

    Who’s the CTGOP Chairman anyway ? Is it Mark Boughton, Tim Herbst or Jeff Wright. #showmetheleadership !!!

  18. Matt F says:

    People need to wake up! There is too much political correctness being suggested these days. His Flying of the Stars and Bars is a protest of all this political correctness. Look, what happened in SC had nothing to do with the Confederate States of America and everything to do with hatred. You can’t simple wipe away history and the lessons learned by banning it. Removing the confederate flag from state houses and museums, and removing the name of Robert E Lee from streets and history Is a stupid way of pretending it is going to change race relations. What’s next? Banning Gone With the Wind?

  19. Zapp Branigan says:

    JULIE – calling him a GOP leader is bad reporting in CT News’ part. He’s not. The only other reason, other than racism, that someone could feel pride in the flag is ignorance. It has been, unfortunately, glorified to a degree over the last few decades and our nation isn’t always the brightest when it comes to history. Like you, I don’t agree with it and I’m a Republican ;)

  20. Palin Smith says:

    The NAACP chairman should be incensed by all the murder in Hartford and the very low graduation rates among black high school students. Time to look inward “Mr. Bigot”. Stop scapegoating symbols. Go to the root of your own self-inflicted problems. Stop feigning victimhood. Where’s the marches in Hartford’s north end? Be a man!

  21. JULIE says:

    Wonder why they call him a “GOP leader” if he doesn’t represent the state. It’s a hateful thing to do.

    And back to Zapp – why would anyone be proud of that flag unless there is still a part of them that feels a little racist???? What is there to be proud of? This is the third time I’ve asked you…

  22. Gene Ard says:

    I’m white, I was born and raised in Mobile Alabama in the 1960’s and 70’s. I remember the boycotts, some riots, a lynching and was in one of the first desegregated classes in Mobile. Me and my family have served our nation in the military for over 100 years. That entire time, its under only one flag, the stars and stripes, Old Glory, the flag of these United States of America. Seeing the confederate flag the 1960’s the was actually quite rare, pretty much only the klan and sons of the confederacy showed it. Flying and displaying the confederate flag for decades was banned by federal law. I think the state and nation would be well served by legally banning those damned confederate flags and symbols. To think that the guns of the USS Hartford, Admiral Farragut’s flag ship sit on green at Trinity College fought and won against that damned flag…..and have to see it rise again? I’m not to happy about it.

  23. Naive in New Fairfield says:

    Those thing all make me sick. I have not seen any flag waving about those occurrences. That flag is an insidious emblem of racism, lynchings and discrimination. Hanging it on government buildings is just ignorant. The south has a lot of great culture, architecture, music, food. This flag does not represent these things.
    People who defend that flag are humming, “the south’s gonna do it again” in their tiny little brains.

  24. Zapp Branigan says:

    JULIE – he does not represent the state. He sits on a 72-member committee for the state party, nothing to do with the state government. Most republicans, especially in CT, are not racist. There are always going to be some bad apples in political parties and it is a shame.

  25. JULIE says:

    ZAPP – I do agree with you to some extent, not ALL republicans are racist, but in most cases if you are a racist, you will be a republican.

    This particular guy represents the State, he should be more thoughtful, but his actions do tell me he doesn’t represent minorities and therefore should not represent CT. It’s funny, he probably just got elected or re-elected so isn’t too worried about it at this point.

    Still wonder why someone would be proud of flying that flag though.

  26. Beteguise says:

    What does the confederate flag have to do with Connecticut ? We weren’t on the side of the south in the Civil War were we? Why would you fly it here ? I don’t get it .. Maybe he’s a fan of the Dukes of Hazzard .. That is my only connection to that flag …

  27. Zapp Branigan says:

    JULIE – ONE moron did this. Read up on Louis Farrakhan and be amazed at how hateful a democrat can be. You are ignorant of you think one right wing nobody’s Facebook post represents a entire party.

  28. JULIE says:

    I’m disgusted with the Republicans at this point. I consider them racist, selfish, greedy and sincerely mean people. Hard to wrap your head around how they think. This flag controversy – wonder if any of them realize when SC put the flag back up. During the 1964 Civil Rights movement. It was done for a strictly racist reason and no other. How can you be proud of fighting in a war (or having a relative who did so) for the sole purpose of agreeing with slavery. How sick is that? If people should be proud of agreeing with slavery, then they should be proud of the Nazi flag also and fly that one too. Wow, once again Republicans show just how racist they are. Why would you fly that flag in CT, we were taught better than that, weren’t we?

  29. igor12 says:

    Naive in New Fairfield then you should be ashamed how the Japanese were treated during wwii, how the Irish were treated, how the Italians were treated, how people starved during the depression etc etc. If you did it I would say yes you should be ashamed. But how can you be ashamed for the sins of your forefathers.

  30. Jackie H. says:

    Patricia, had to stop reading when I noticed you don’t know the difference between “succeeded” and “seceded”.

  31. Patricia says:

    The debate about the Confederate flag is just a knee jerk reaction by those of the “politically correct” mind set. It is a battle flag that represented the states that succeeded from the Union. Those state felt that the Federal Government was abusing their authority to control State rights issues. President Lincoln was elected not on a platform to end slavery but on a platform to prevent slavery from spreading any further across the country as we expanded westward. At the point when the Southern states broke off, there was no push to end slavery by the North so to those of you that think it the Civil War was only fought so Southerners could keep their slaves, you are mistaken. The Confederate flag is a symbol of rebellion. It is a flag we should all be flying right now as our Government and our SCOTUS have gone rogue and are usurping powers from Congress that they do not have. They can’t rewrite the 14th Amendment to include same sex marriage. It is not within their enumerated powers under our Constitution. So while everybody is celebrating a win for same sex couples (an issue I don’t have a problem with) they should be mourning the loss of our Constitution at the hands of the very people who are supposed to uphold it and base their rulings on it. Only Congress and the States can rewrite the Constitution. So, just like Obama overstepping his authority and skirting around Congress, the SCOTUS has just done the very same thing. Their action place them as our RULERS rather than those we elected to represent us.

  32. bigbertha says:

    for those asking about Nazi or isis flag. the flag isis has adopted was used in battle by muhhamed(pbah) now this group has disrespected it by adopting it–it should be taken away from them. the southern flag was not originally created to represent racism. It is part of our history .also farakan does not represent muslims as he preaches to KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE that is the truth. look at the central HS grad pics there is a kid waving a brazillian flag isn’t that kind of an insult bcz he is here and the school is here?? just saying bcuz somebody else here saying only the U.S. flag should be flown. btw the church shooting is another hoax our government gave 29 MILLION to the victims families look that up also. meanwhile our freedoms are being taken away daily wilst we all fight with each other over trivial –agenda 21 jade helm martial law coming soon

  33. Jeffrey A. Wright says:


    Scott Veley, an elected member of the Republican State central Committee, uses the term without a sincere appreciation of the context. Absurd is the utter disconnect from the reality, political or otherwise, that the Confederate Battle flag has as a symbol of racial hatred. To couch it’s defense in the cloth of “ States Rights “ equally crosses the boundaries of common sense and dips it’s toe into realm of “ Absurdity”. The Civil war was fought by those who believed that certain human beings, particularly those of African descent, were somehow inferior to others, and could be “owned” as property by other human beings, vs those who believe all people are corrected equally. Mr. Veley, if you wish to call slavery a State’s rights issue, then have at it. For the rest of us we call it for what it was. Slavery which no state, or other government should ever allow, condone or allow to exist.

    Abraham Lincoln, so often idealized as the patron Saint of Republican ideology, based the defense of a Nation on the premise that our Union was “…conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal..” It is a founding and fundamental tenet within the Republican Party, and, I would argue, more importantly, of America. Powerful words that led to over 700,000 men women and children perishing in an epic war for the dignity and rights of all men regardless creed or color. For any Republican leader to even faintly justify the use of the most identified symbol of that conflict is disingenuous at best and racist at worst. Triumph of the Will, a 1930’s film produced by acclaimed German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl also became a symbol of racial hatred and justification for a political ideology hell bent on the destruction and enslavement of an entire race. Artistic considerations aside…it remains one of the signature symbols of Nazi Germany along with the more recognized swastika. I dare say there are those far and few between that offer defense and the Confederate flag should be treated as such as well.

    Southern Republican leaders across the South have recognized the destructive imagery of the flag and have begun the call for its removal across State Capitals and Governmental institutions. How it has lasted this long is as baffling as the defense raised by those who support its raising. A symbol of enslavement offensive to an entire race, and a nation, ought never to be seen.

    The Party of Lincoln stands for the unalienable rights of all men and the pursuit of Life, liberty and happiness. To stand a defense or proffer justification otherwise becomes traitorous to our cause, our people, and our Nation.

  34. disgusted says:

    A flag is a sign of pride. Waving it or displaying it is showing how you feel about what it represents. Yup, I am ashamed of that part of our nations history. No, I do not think it is an excuse for a pity party. Displaying that flag is ignorant.

  35. Naive in New Fairfield says:

    A flag is a sign of pride. Waving it or displaying it is showing how you feel about what it represents. Yup, I am ashamed of that part of our nations history. No, I do not think it is an excuse for a pity party. Displaying that flag is ignorant.

  36. Zapp Branigan says:

    First off, many commenters think Veley is a Representative – he isn’t. Scott is a low level member of the State Central committee, which is a 72-member board with 2 members from each state senate district. He has no influence over the elected GOP officials and does not speak for them in the slightest. He should probably leave the GOP after this embarrassing moment and consider registering with a different party.

    On a side note, Louis Farrakhan wants Jews to die and he’s a proud Democrat – why doesn’t Neil Vigdor ask the state dem chair if he agrees with Farrakhan? This story is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Veley is definitely an idiot and the confederate flag is a joke, but aren’t there more newsworthy events to cover than this?

  37. SCBridgeport says:

    If you think before this happen the blacks in SC were ok with the flag flying. You are mistaken. I’m originally from SC. We(I) have always wanted the flag down. How do get it done was the problem. Its a fight that’s long over due. Now is the time. The Republicans are saying when elections comes around this will be for gotten. They are wrong. That we should be concerned about jobs and other things. Yes they should have been working on getting jobs for SC long before this. I also know that when new companies come to SC . The white people get the top jobs before they even go public. Blacks/whomever get Yeah that’s right someone needs to speak the truth. They’re still burning flags in peoples yard. No it doesn’t make the papers. Yes its still happening. So much racism happen in SC/Southern States/All over the US that’s not reported. While people turn there heads act like this kind of stuff no longer happens.

  38. igor12 says:

    Naive in New Fairfield. Whether you agree or not on the issue of the flag being flown is immaterial to your remark. Hang our heads in shame? Why? Were we there? Did we enslave the people. I can only be in shame if it’s something in my control. I refuse to take the heat for something that was done 4 generations ago. It sounds like the typical argument in today’s world. You owe us because my great great grandfather “might have been a slave”. Stop the pity part.

  39. Idiocracy says:

    In America we can fly any flag we wish as long as the American flag is flying higher. We are a free country, despite all the best efforts of the now fascist left. Freedom first.

  40. Jude says:

    Damn, there’s more people concerned over a confederate flag than there is over these traitors trying to take away your right to self defense and that of your country. They just destroyed the nucleus of America , THE FAMILY, and you people are arguing over a flag.

  41. NewHaven says:

    When was it determined that the Charleston terrorist, racist murderer has mental issues? Does that simply apply to any white person who commits atrocious acts? And does being a self-identified Confederate Conservative automatically mean that someone is afflicted with mental issues? If so, someone needs to intervene at FOX News HQ.

  42. Paul28 says:

    Keep it up Connecticut Republicans. Pretty soon you won’t need a big tent, just a hat with a big brim.

  43. J says:

    Hey Neil, how long and hard and long did you look for ANY Ct or Southern Democrats with this flag ?

    Thought so.

    Your piece is meant to smear ALL conservatives by the actions of ONE, insinuating he is influential / representing all.

    Hardly the case.

  44. Jackie H. says:

    Scott Veley’s defense of the Confederate flag in the name of states’ rights is almost as misguided as those who condemn gay marriage in the name of God. Throughout history, it is often the most dangerous people who commit crimes in the name of doing what is right, such as Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, to name a few. Those who fought against a woman’s right to vote did so in the name of “preserving” the family. We must not allow those who speak the loudest to incite fear, hate, and distract us from our country’s strongest belief: We are all created equal. Representative Veley, you are not an advocate of states’ rights. You are a small man who has used the current, ignorant debate regarding the Confederate flag to bolster your own notoriety. Your lack of knowledge of our country’s history and the meaning behind the flag you so proudly wave has shown you are not qualified to represent your district.

  45. amb says:

    To clarify for those who thought this flag (the second flag of the Confederacy) was ever intended to be anything but racist:

    William Tappan Thompson, who helped design the flag, stated in his newspaper:

    “As a people, we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause. Such a flag…would soon take rank among the proudest ensigns of the nations, and be hailed by the civilized world as THE WHITE MAN’S FLAG. As a national emblem, it is significant of our higher cause, the cause of a superior race, and a higher civilization contending against ignorance, infidelity, and barbarism. Another merit in the new flag is, that it bears no resemblance to the now infamous banner of the Yankee vandals.”

    After the American Civil War ended and slavery was abolished in the U.S., Thompson opposed the granting of civil rights to African Americans and freed slaves.

    The states’ right for which they argued was the right to white supremacy.

  46. Patrick Donaghy says:


  47. Bernard Miron says:

    It seems to me that if one wants to promote state’s rights and free speech and all that it might be better to pick an icon that is not based on a representation of treason. Argue about it all you want but you can’t change the fact that the confederates attempted to usurp the constitution of the United States of America. They were not called rebels for nothing and in fact, at the time, the Union was much more merciful and compassionate than I would have been. Having seen the results of wounds inflicted by the weapons at the time and the destruction of that generation of beautiful young men, I would have hanged Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee and their entire traitorous faction. Robert E. Lee……. while we’re at it, why don’t we celebrate Irwin Rommel and General Giap. I would give all I have to have been able to put a bullet in the brains of all three.

  48. Matthew Groom says:

    It’s good to know that there are real and true Americans even in a terrible place like Connecticut. Although I see from the comments that there seem to be an abundance of people with a 4th grade education in matters of history. It’s strange to see people with such a religious devotion to the lies they were told in elementary school. You know that not everything you were taught as child is true, right? There isn’t a Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny was just your mom giving you chocolate, and the War Between The States was actually about tariffs, okay?

  49. Chris says:

    As a Southerner, I appreciate the sentiment. But that’s actually not the “stars and bars”. The stars and bars was our first national flag. This is the battle flag and was never an official flag of the CSA. But again, thank you!

  50. NewHaven says:

    This makes a statement about the values of voters in Berlin, Conn., which is apparently a place that has high regard for bigotry. Best advice for everyone? Ignore this moron.

  51. ElRushbo says:

    Republicans are to make inroads with minorities –

    YEA, flying the racist flag will surely help, IDIOT!

  52. Thomas Healy says:

    Good morning Mr. Smith,

    This is in response to the June 27th article about representative Scott Veley flying the confederate flag. As a resident of Connecticut for over 65 years and a subscriber to the News Times for much of that time I would fight to the death to defend Scott Veley’s right to display the confederate flag. Unfortunately the confederate flag, like the meaning of words in our language, has evolved from a symbol of respect for the fallen to become a symbol for one of the most hateful organizations in the country. I invite you to spend a week in the SC town where we now live to see the depth of emotion enwrapped in this symbol. If you subscribe to the image, and you come, you may want to bring your sheet. ISIS, with their Black flag, openly want to destroy the freedom of the world. Those who hide behind this confederate flag(?) openly profess to seek the inhalation of Afro-Americans, Catholics and Jews. Is this the kind of representation that Connecticut voters now elect? What a truly sad commentary.


    Tom Healy
    Previously of Danbury now in Aiken, SC

  53. StamfordSteve says:

    Doesn’t a connecticut state politician have more important things to do like fix the state budget?

    And if you’re going to fly a non-US flag, why not put up a Chinese or Russian flag? But we aren’t citizens of china or Russia, nor are we citizens of the confederacy.

  54. imamerican2 says:

    The flag literally stood for states’ rights to enslave human beings based on their skin color. Today, the flag stands for those who don’t like a world where all Americans actually benefit from the same liberties and rights that white men have mostly enjoyed. This CT elected official should be run out of office. He is free to express his opinion, but there are consequences for speech. Get him out of office.

  55. igor12 says:

    Mayor McCheese like a lot of other people like to simplify the civil war down to a fight about slavery. It’s easier and quicker. There a lot of issues involved. Just like the Nazi flag which was originally a religious symbol that was bastardized into a hate symbol, the battle flag is now also being bastardized into a racial symbol. Do I think it should be flown in the state capital? No because the state capital represents ALL the people. The flag does make some people uncomfortable. Do I think if people want it in their backyard, that’s up to them. Just like if you want to fly a Rainbow flag, or a cross or any other symbol. Even ISIS (better be willing to take the heat for that one.

  56. Zipity Dueda says:

    A week ago, none of you cared about the “flag”. This is a Republican thing to get you to take your eye off Gay Rights, Gun Safety, Woman’s health rights and George Bush. Don’t let them get away with it.

  57. littlemike says:

    All the hatred I see is spewing from Mr. Veley’s detractors, none of whom apparently understand that the Confederate emblem has ZERO to do with ISIS, Nazis, etc. (And don’t forget Godwin’s Law.) They can’t win an argument without nastiness and name-calling, and they pretend to be able to read his mind.

    I understand how a citizen’s displeasure with and resistance to overbearing government can lead him to adopting earlier symbols of rebellion: the Tea Party, the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t tread on me”), Molon Labe, the Battle of Gonzales flag (“Come and take it”), and last but not least the Confederate battle flag. By the way, that one is not the “stars and bars,” THIS is the Stars and Bars:

    The one that Mr. Veley is flying is properly known as the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, was adopted for use in combat because the Stars and Bars flag was too easy to visually confuse with the Stars and Stripes (US flag). Some U.S. soldiers carried into battle during world War II. It never represented the CSA as a country, and was never officially recognized as a national flag.

    I happen to live in a Southern state where we just elected a black man, Hasan Harnett, to be our GOP State Chairman, and I can guarantee you that Southern pride does not equate to racism.

    And never forget, Bo and Luke, who had that flag on top of their car, were “just two good old boys, never meaning no harm…”

  58. BarbaraJean says:

    “bordwithbs says:
    June 27, 2015 at 4:59 am
    How about ISIS flags or Nazi flags, dooshbag?”

    My feelings exactly.

  59. J.R. McMullen says:

    I don’t know whether or not we should be flying the rebel flag. I have always seen it as representing States’ Rights which have been under attack for well over 150 years now. We fought the Civil War over the issue of States’ Rights. Unfortunately one of those rights was the States’ right to determine the legal status of slavery within their own borders. I understand those who fly the Rebel Flag in response to the constant overreach by our Federal Government. I don’t understand racism. I don’t like the idea that some racists wrap themselves in this version of a rebel flag. I don’t like the idea that some racists wrap themselves in the Stars and Stripes or that some activists believe the we, the United States, are a racist state. What will your position be when they call for the removal of the Stars and Stripes from our State Capitol ?

  60. Moe Ronn says:

    Half the population of Connecticut never heard of the Confederate flag.
    When will we remove the “Columbus” statues and street names?
    Is the Washington team still called the “Redskins”.
    We need to give California back to the Mexicans. Officially, that is.
    As Obama says, “don’t forget the Crusades”.
    Is it OK for bordwithbs to fly the dooshbag flag?

  61. leroy says:

    Connecticut in the American Civil War

    “…..Casualties from Connecticut military units during the war included 97 officers and 1094 enlisted men killed in action, with another 700 men dying from wounds while more than 3,000 perished from disease. Twenty-seven men were executed for crimes, including desertion. More than 400 men were reported as missing; the majority were likely held by the Confederate Army as prisoners of war.[18]

  62. bill lane says:

    Where can we buy one? I want to fly it next to Old Glory on July fourth. It’s a symbol of defeated freedom.

  63. Glenn says:

    And so many people wonder why we can’t find an electable Republican.

  64. Mayor McCheese says:

    What a moron. Racists and confederate appologists have for years been tryong to use the ‘state’s rights” nonsense as the real reason for the civil war when in fact it was simply the desire to continue with slavery. They were traitors, terrorists and racists. Thousands of CT men were killed fighting against this and this moron wants to hang their flag in our state – and in our country. It is reallly no different than flying the flag of any of our other enemies like ISIS or the Nazis.

    Romano only compounds the problem with his offensive statement that he can see why some people who are minorities might find it offensive. Well, I’m not a minority and I find it ofensive. I find it offensive as an American because it is the flag of an enemy we defeated in a bloody war that was fought to preserve human slavery and to diestroy our country. Civil war vertarans from CT must be turning over in their graves at this. Someone als may want to remind these morons that the greatest Republican president ever elected would have disagreed with them – Abraham Lincoln.

  65. bordwithbs says:

    How about ISIS flags or Nazi flags, dooshbag?

  66. Time To Go says:

    Hatred, bigotry, intolerance,and racism have no place in the world we all want to live in. The bullies and the ignorant have held our society back -or rather in neutral- for far too long.
    These obstructionists are filled with hate and anger , and they call is pride and patriotism. Like an alcoholic tells people he doesn’t have a problem-he just likes to have fun.
    Too many devious megalomaniacs seek public office to push their own vitriolic agenda. That is not what holding public office is supposed to be about. It is supposed to be about uniting the citizenry with forward thinking and new ideas and not about bringing outdated and unwanted values with you to force on your constituents for your own satisfaction.
    This politician needs to be removed from his post.
    GOP leader Scott Veley has already tried to ‘whitewash’ his Facebook page this evening. He knows he mistook his own backwards thinking for that of the public he serves.
    Let him think about it as a private citizen, and not as a public servant tasked with making intelligent choices for Connecticut.
    You Scott, are like Dylan Roof. Hoisted on your own petard of ignorance.
    God Bless The United States Of America

  67. Jack says:

    I’m a white, Irish heritage guy and my family has lived in CT for hundreds of years.

    Black, White or whatever race aside I don’t know why you are flying that flag in CT.

    Members of my family fought in the Civil War from CT. The idea of that flag being flown in this state is an insult to their memory

  68. Smarter Than Scott says:

    Get a clue Scott. That’s the Confederate Battle Flag or “Dixie”.
    The “Stars & Bars” is the Red & White Flag with a circle of white stars in a blue field in the corner. I guess you dont need an education to be sit on the Republican State Central Committee!

  69. Naive in New Fairfield says:

    Asshole…the south is still fighting the civil war, or should we call it, as they do, the war of northern aggression. The stars and bars, as you call it, is a flag of racism. And I guess you think Paula Dean’s plantation themed affair was ok too. This flag is not an innocent symbol. Wake up, you jerk, and come into the present. Hang your head in shame about the past. You may not have been involved but you should still feel ashamed of it.

  70. Greg Lucsanszky says:

    This GOP is a fool. There are plenty of white power groups down south and up north for that matter who are flying the Stars and Bars and they are not mentally ill. Just full of hate.