Fawcett Picks Good Time to Ascend the Himalayas

Maybe it’s trekking of another kind, but state Rep. Kim Fawcett, the second-term Democrat from Fairfield, has picked a good time to become a delegate to Nepal on a 9-day political exchange program through the American Council of Young Political Leaders, which paid the travel expenses for the flight to the other side of the world.

 Fawcett and six other political leaders who fit the definition of “young,” will study Nepal’s political system “and engage in dialogue on issues,” according to her legislative office. Like Connecticut, the Nepalese government is in transition from a monarchy. Political parties have been legal since 1990, according to the Blogster’s World Almanac. 

The trip began March 18 with a State department briefing in Washington. Then it was on to Kathmandu. Insert Lyrics for Bob Seger here, but hum it to yourself.

 “It presents a great opportunity to get to know legislators from other states and share ideas for solving problems that we have in common,” Fawcett said in a canned quote.  “Although this trip comes when the legislature is in session, I will be away for just a brief time. Before committing to the trip, I talked with my committee chairs and made the necessary preparations so that the people of Fairfield and Westport will not be adversely affected by my absence.”

Of course, given that opportunity, she has to go. She’s bound to get criticism for leaving during the legislative session, which runs through May 5. But looking at her committees, she’s right. Higher Ed’s deadline was the 16th and Transportation the 17th. She still has plenty of time to get back for the April 1 Appropriations Committee deadline.

 “The bottom line,” she said, “is this is a great opportunity to gain valuable insight and ideas from legislators in other states, the problems that they’re confronting, and how they are dealing with some of the common challenges we all are facing.”

 She kept mentioning interaction with lawmakers from other states. Maybe she’ll have some time to meet some Nepalese, too.