McKinney Wants Line Held on New Taxes

The battling budgeteers of 2010 just wandered into Gov. Rell’s Capitol office, for the start of the annual budget Kabuki dance. Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, R-Fairfield; “We’re waiting to see the Democrats’ ($1.3-billion) plan on securitization. They required $1.3-billion in borrowing as per their budget…Obviously their first take, which was increasing taxes on utility rates is not going to fly and we’re strongly opposed to that, so I don’t think they’ll get the votes to pass that plan, so we’ll have to see what their next shot is…. We’ve put out a budget that will balance 2011 without raising taxes. What I’m first and foremost looking for is an attempt by Democrat leadership to engage in significantly reduce our expenditures and streamlining state government. Once we get through all of that then I’ve said everything else can be on the table. But you have to first start by cutting your spending and streamlining the cost of government.”