Look for new acronyms in state government; reduction of agencies, to save $10 million

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4 Responses

  1. Apeplau says:

    I wonder how much money would be saved if the State didn’t purchase the Sodium Floride (poison) that they dump into our water supply?
    it’s OK I know it’s millions & I’m spreading the word so I’m not the only one who knows.
    I’d love to hear back from you, but I doubt I will…

  2. joe Novaco says:

    Seems like the savings are only in the Leadership salaries.

  3. BobInThe2nd says:

    No it’s not a lot of money, but the effect on making the state easier to do business in, priceless.

    State government needs to right size, and size the work to the money available. If we can’t afford to pay for it, we don’t need it.

  4. dave says:

    doesn’t seem like a lot of money.