Foley: Recount likely in governor’s race

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8 Responses

  1. Teresa says:

    Ok so Democrats maybe Malloy should Man up and just submit to a recount. What a way to start an administration. This is Voter FRAUD…two and three ballots distributed at a time, names not checked off(video to prove this), names go to an empty lot, Emergency system to tell people to vote, extension of poll times. Not the way I would want to say I won!

  2. m says:

    Excuse me, Publius, but not this time. If you voted for the same candidate twice, the tabulator did not count it as an overvote. It counted only one vote for the candidate, and listed that vote on a separate line in the election results that came out of the machine at the end of the night.

    Malloy was on two lines on the ballot and he got 3 results: his votes on the Democratic line, his votes on the Working Families line, and his votes by people who voted for him twice. These 3 numbers added up to give his total for that district.

    And no matter what anyone says, people who colored in both Malloy circles STILL only got one vote for Malloy. No conspiracy.

  3. Publius says:

    WHY in the world would a town controlled by Democrats, with a consistent strong majority of Democratic votes, conspire to reduce voting by running out of ballots? And where was the Republican registrar of voters? On vacation?

    Stupidity? Yes. Stealing the election? Ridiculous.

    And, btw, if you vote on more than one line for any state office, the machine kicks the ballot back and says “OVERVOTE”, and you have to get a new ballot.

  4. George says:

    Tom Foley seems very smart, he needs to make the intelligent decision now to just concede. If he does it correctly, he will be ok for another run at it someday. He impressed a lot of people, a lot of voters. If he keeps up this whining sore loser pouting thing, he is ruined forever. Malloy is the next Governor.

  5. Wayne B. says:

    This Foley clown is the same type of right wing arrogant idiot that we have to deal with in Washington State in the form of Dino Rossi. I hope you guys have better luck never seeing him again than we have had with Rossi. They have too much money and no smarts. They just want to try and buy their way into being something better than what they really are so they can boost their already huge ego. Rossi has run three times and faided every time, even the time he spent a huge amount of money on fighting the results for nearly a year. GOOD LUCK and congratulations to Mr. Malloy.

  6. Bridgeport Voter says:

    Nobody stole anything, it’s the same old swan song coming from the losers. If people are dumb enough to vote on two party lines, only one of the votes is counted.

  7. jeamne angerame says:

    Based on what I witnessed at my own polling center in Bridgeport, I believe the Democrats are stealing this election.
    When I arrived at 2:45 pm, it was understaffed: there were only 4 workers and a bored looking police officer. Apparently 3 poll workers didn’t show up. This polling station had already run out of ballots by 10 AM, altogether it ran out 5 times in the course of the day. One woman told me this was her 3rd time trying to vote – the other 2 times there were no ballots. I’ll bet other people had the same experience and could not get back to try again, even with the last minute extra 2 hours added on. When I voted, I was not aware that the ballots had to be scanned. The man collecting the ballots told me to put it in a slot on the side of a bib – there was no scanning mechanism on the slot. My ballot went into a void. My neighbor told me he was directed to do the same thing, and he scanned it himself but by then the bin was so full that voters were being told they couldn’t collect anymore for a while. I did not witness this myself but was told bypeople leaving that the Election Official was rude and disrespectful. My district representative, Auden Grogin, told me that her name was missing from one batch of ballots – for a total of 2 hours of voting, before she found out. I’m sure this is only the tip of the iceberg. The Election in Bridgeport stinks to high heaven – even if it were only incompetence.
    But I think its corruption and its about time Connecticut cleans up and clears out the Democratic Machine and its gang of ACORN thugs who call themselves the Working Families Party. WFP “endorsed” every Democrat running in the State – giving Democrats a chance to have their name appear on the ballot twice {and I heard that of some people were filling in the Democrats’ name twice -which should disqualify that ballot or count only once but I’ll bet in Bridgeport they’ll try to count it twice. This city is a political slimepit, and I think the entire election in Bridgeport should be disqualified.

  8. Mike N. Waterbury says:

    Tom Foley is a sore loser.
    Tom Foley is probably now Damaged Goods in politics forever.
    Tom Foley blew $10 Million bucks (hello? “TEN MILLION!”). I’d be mad too!
    Tom Foley needs to concede graciously and go home. He won’t be broke, plenty more cash in the stash.
    When the air clears, maybe he will finally explain his arrests and that Bibb mess.