Envy ahead: Foley’s car and motorcycle collection

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33 Responses

  1. sharewhut says:

    So Foley live in a town that can run itself on 10 mils because of all the highly assessed properties. I guess they should raise their mil rate and give the surplus to the state to redistribute. What I’d like to know is how Hartford, really not that big a city, charging 90 mils on all those multimillion dollar commercial buildings providing $1/4 billion+ in taxes gets away with putting only $94 million into education while the state gives them a budgeted $200 million+ and then adds other $10s of millions in supplemental ‘grants.
    I live in a town where over 70% of budget is education, which actually exceeds the amount collected, so the town administration & services pretty much run on the (shrinking)general government grants from the state.
    Instead of beaching about the small taxes he’s paying on his cars (while not mentioning the $55k he paid on his house- all info available on Greenwich website)look at ways to reform system.
    Perhaps scrap municipal property taxes for a state one with a moderate flat rate, or even a tiered one for residential and commercial properties ( Hartford has a tiered percentage assessment for different uses)- with all money collected returned to the municipalities for education. .. No BS wording to allow GA to raid funds, just come up with a formula. Something like 70% distributed to all 169 towns on a per capita basis with rest being used for the leveling needed ECS-wise. I’m sure that a fair, reasonable formula can be worked out.
    And with education ‘out’ of the state budget equation (other collected taxes no longer funding ed)maybe the state can roll back some taxes and/or use them for intended purposes (fuel taxes for roads, etc.).
    Database should be easy(ish) to set up from assessors’ files.

  2. ProLiberty says:

    Eff this liberal puff garbage and the MSM Donkey that copied and published it.

  3. JL Wilson says:

    Shameful left-wing rubbish article.

    Based on nothing else but their taste in cars I would never vote for Malloy and those crap-boxes you say he owns.

  4. MrWolf says:

    I’m actually impressed with Foley’s admiration of autos. Being a “gearhead” myself this info solidifies my support of him.
    My comments here are just as much relevant as this story and the one who wrote it.

  5. BrickTop says:

    Malloy buys a $250k home, is investigated by the FBI for its suspicious renovation process, sells it for 1.3 million. All the while claiming to be a humble public servant… Hmmmmm..


  6. BrickTop says:

    Dan Malloy just sold his Stamford water views home for well over a million. Dan Malloy is a millionaire. How did Dan get rich as a humble civil servant?

  7. altin ajdini says:

    Don’t tell me what kind of things someone has and doesn’t have. I could care less about that, shoot I’ve had planes, boats, helicopters, tanks, etc.., as my mean of traveling to and from work why aren’t I on the news? I’m being a little sarcastic. This article is there just to fill in the space that CT Post needs. You think this is news to people? This my friends is dump just how Connecticut is becoming. I could care less about Foley and Malloy but if I had to choose between dumb and dumberer, I’d choose the dumb one.

  8. Don Pesci says:

    One wonders if the reporter knows that the biggest tax scofflaw in his area is the current Mayor of New Haven: http://donpesci.blogspot.com/…/toni-harp-and-dannel-malloy-…

  9. Steven Rosenbaum says:

    People! Before ranting at Mr. Vigdor and his naked partisanship, you must understand the “source” for this so-called article. Mr. Vigdor did not comb through tax and DMV records. That would require skill, hard work and journalistic integrity. No, not here. Mr. Vigdor gets his information straight from the folks at the DCCC and simply regurgitates them. If you want an example of Mr. Vigdor’s journalistic acumen, read some of his articles regarding political campaigns and the social parties associated with them. In other words, Mr. Vigdor cannot explain a political platform or position to save his life, but the man can describe a buffet like nobody’s business. Listen Mr. Vigdor, if you want a story about a rich politician, why not go down to Greenwich and report on how much Jim Himes spent on his waterfront estate at the height of the recession. Oh wait…. that would require skill, hard work and journalistic integrity.

  10. Crusader Rabbit says:

    I think Foley is an empty suit but if I had that kind of money, I might have a car collection too. This is a big “So what”. The scandal is the variance in amount of personal property which in it self is an abomination. Foley’s mention on the inequity is the first position I’ve heard of him taking.

  11. wcc says:

    So what? It’s OK for Jay Leno to have millions worth of automobiles, right? Or Michael Jordan, “Snoop Dog,” or “Fity Cent.” But of course, they’re not running for governor of Connecticut and you’re not trying to beat them up! Right?
    Malloy has been a terrible governor. The worst in my lifetime of 60 years. I’d be glad to have someone who knows how to make money and actually run something come in and fix this lousy economy in Connecticut. And as for all of those stale Malloy campaign ads beating up Foley, if Malloy had anything positive to say about his record he’d be running ads touting that, wouldn’t he? Haven’t seen one, just stale negative ads like he ran 4 years ago. About as valid as his governorship!

  12. SteveMorini says:

    As for the political aspect, a better article would be what he was doing in Iraq. Wasn’t he trying to set up Iraq as a free enteprise zone?

  13. SteveMorini says:

    Really? If you could find a Ferrari 330 GTC for that price, and in decent condition, grab it! Auction value is well over 400,000 on those now. As for the bikes, the Norton is a $4000+ bike, and the Triumph is worth about 3500. Sounds like the town of Greenwich neds a new assesor….

  14. JDM says:

    I’m proud of Tom Foley for taking an obvious pay cut to serve the people of CT.

  15. Tod says:

    You guys don’t even pretend to be objective, do you?

  16. van fangol says:

    Happy to see that I’m not the only one disgusted with this newspaper. They play on the minds of simple people and unfortunately it works. They bring this stuff up because the real issues will taint Malloy

  17. e pluribus unum says:

    Did Foley buy his cars legally?
    Did he pay his taxes on them?
    If driven , does he have them properly registered?

    If so, what’s the point? Are we supposed to be jealous that he can afford a pricey car? I would think liberals would be thrilled he is saving an old car from extinction.

  18. Observer says:

    Guy’s got good taste in vehicles. He’s also got my vote. Also the 330 GTC is worth more like a million dollars.

  19. Auntie Teabag says:

    In other words Foley is going to cut health care for the poor to cut car taxes for wealthy people like himself

  20. Bob says:

    What the heck is the point of this article? If this is the best dirt you can dig up on Tom Foley he’s got my vote and will win by a land slide (we can only hope)! What an embarrassing and obviously biased report.

  21. MIke Mammana says:

    This is the reason I cancelled my subscription to this liberal toilet paper. The only thing this so called newspaper is good for is bird cages and dog kennels!

  22. omg says:

    Seriously? Who gives a crap! Yes Foley is going to win, no matter how much you try to make him look bad. Can’t argue the issues? Well call him a rich guy instead. And don’t get me started on this bit: http://blog.ctnews.com/politics/2014/09/23/namaste-foley-at-odds-with-malloy-over-sales-tax-on-yoga/

  23. Ridiculatte says:

    Why is this article even being published? How about publishing something on Malloy’s family holdings of commercial real estate?

    Foley’s wealth tells me he can run a successful enterprise, which is the kind of thinking we need right now!

  24. what? says:

    Incredibly insightful article NT.

    How dare Foley want to cap the state car tax at 30 mills. That could possibly benefit some of those evil rich people.

  25. Rob says:

    Is there is something wrong with being successful? And of course the poorly run cities like Bridgeport and Hartford which have ridiculously high property taxes and horrible schools should be replicated? No, Greenwich has low taxes and a great school system because the town is run effectively. No one needs to make excuses for being successful or for a well run municipality. Liberal BS reporting.

  26. Mitch Beck says:


    I used to have respect for you, but your partisanship has gotten so out of control that it has turned you from a liberally minded professional to nothing more than a partisan hack. And trust me when I write that, it bothers me because you’ve been VERY kind to me through the years.

    This is simply a piece designed to push the Democratic narrative that Tom Foley is a rich man who doesn’t connect with or understand the common man and that Dan Malloy does. You didn’t even get permission to take pictures of his actual cars. You used stock pictures.

    Let’s be clear about a couple of things…Dannel Malloy is not exactly on food stamps. While he isn’t as successful in life as Tom Foley has been, he’s a wealthy person too. He’s not as rich as Tom is, but again, not exactly worrying if he can keep the lights on in his home.

    I know Tom Foley very well and on a personal level and he DOES understand the, “common folk” and ABSOLUTELY can relate. To suggest otherwise is 100% ridiculous.

    Lastly, the last time I checked, it wasn’t illegal or immoral to be wealthy…though political writers and commentators on the left may try and make it seem that way. Tom Foley DESERVES the money he’s earned. He took risks and invested money and, I know this is going to bother you and those who think like you, but by being smart and a good businessman, his investments and business acumen made him a very rich man.

    So please, do us all a favor and just come out of the closet already and rename your columns and your “reporting” and call it what it is… “The Liberal Agenda!”

  27. Rob says:

    Foley is paying more taxes on the car then he should. Cars that are 20 years old are eligible for “classic vehicle” plates from the DMV and then it would be assessed at $500. Greenwich wouldn’t send him a tax bill because the amount would be under $10.

  28. Andrew C says:

    Demonized because he has money – demonized because he follows the rules and pays his taxes. Sadly the article has an interesting point – but the way it is presented is it lost, and turns into a hit piece. Shame on the Editor for letting this be printed. I’ll need to find another paper for local news, because this is pathetic.

  29. Ridiculous says:

    This actually isnt even accurate hartford’s mill rate is very high but they only assess real property at something like 30-40% of its value as opposed to the typical 70 something percent

  30. Sling blade says:

    Another hit piece by the NTs

  31. fedup says:


  32. Paul V says:

    You A$$holes have no shame. You will do anything to sour the outcome that is beyond your control at this point…you sick little liberal pukes.

  33. LOLOLOLOL says:

    Is this seriously what you guys believe in reporting? We get it, Foley is wealthy. Can we have articles actually discussing the issues and the current state of affairs in CT?