Monthly Archive for November, 2013

: November, 2013

Some families want report to be chance to move on

Gilles Rousseau, the father of Lauren Rousseau, who died  in the classroom with her first grade students, said he  was not surprised with anything in the report, though there were some details he

Major findings: Lanza was a loner, with Asperger’s, OCD, a shut-in with shooting, computer games, dancing for pastimes

Murderer Adam Lanza wasn’t a tortured anti-social genius. He had an average IQ and no learning disabilities, but soaring levels of anxiety, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Asperger’s and Obsessive

Families begin to react to report

So far,  families of victims  of the  Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting have not read the report. Jackie Barden, whose son, Daniel, was among the  20 first graders who died that day,  had not seen

Lanza “displayed no aggressive tendencies,” studied mass murder techniques, had photos holding handgun, rifle to his head

Nancy Lanza wanted to sell her house and move to Washington or North Carolina and Adam had said he would agree to move to Washington. Knowing Adam wouldn’t stay in a hotel, she planned to buy a

List of items in Adam Lanza’s room

From the report on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School: A list on things found in Adam Lanza’s room: – A New York Times article from February 18, 2008, regarding the school shooting at

Newtown report plus appendix

Newtown report summary Sandy Hook Final Report Newtown Report: Appendix Cover Newtown Report: Appendix Cover Newtown Report: Lanza’s Honda Civic CT Reg 872YEO Newtown Report: Lanza's Honda Civic

SHES report indicates Adam Lanza, a collector of violent video games, had a possible dress rehearsal, drove near the school the day before murders

On last December 13, from 2:09 until 2:32, Lanza, according to his GPS records, drove from the family home on Yogananda Street to the Sandy Hook neighborhood, “though the route does not indicate the

Adam Lanza list Part 2

rom the report on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School: More items found on Adam Lanza’s computer: A document written showing the prerequisites for a mass murder spreadsheet – A spreadsheet

Newtown report: redacted timeline

Newtown report: timeline — redacted

List found on Adam Lanza’s computer Part 1

From the report on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School: Thi is a partial list of item found on Adam Lanza’s computer: -Bookmarks pertaining to firearms, military, politics, mass murder, video