Days off are for losers

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7 Responses

  1. Lori says:

    I already put in for a vacation day for our 11 a.m. game but have no plans to go to the one in Hartford.

  2. jb says:

    Hooray, Moderation indeed.

  3. Fornabaio says:

    Wednesdays are my Day From Hell anyway, so it’s an all-day affair no matter if there’s a game at 11, 7 or what. But I can see how having to do it on the road would be ugly… and I’ll see it first-hand in March. So, I guess, Boo TWO Morning Hockey Games. Hooray, Moderation!

  4. jb says:

    Hey Mike. If you like that 11 a.m. business, that makes one of us. I say, Boooooo Morning Hockey. Hooray, Beer.

  5. capptain america says:

    ha! stay inside!

  6. Fornabaio says:

    Leave me alone, it’s 137 out there.

  7. capptain america says:

    thanks for showing up! 🙂