Monthly Archive for May, 2019
Fun while it lasted: C.Bourque to Germany
After the season, he said he was interested in coming back. “I just talked with my agent after the season, kind of told him to look around and see what my options were,” Chris Bourque said Monday. …
Pulled goalies: Sunday notes
Two things happened Saturday night in San Diego that I’m pretty sure we’ve never seen in a Sound Tigers game. One related thing happened that we have seen: Like Hartford did in 2006-07, San Diego put …
We interrupt lacrosse season: Tuesday notes
And I mean stuff got real in Norwalk tonight Yannick Rathgeb has a new home back home: EHC Biel announced it signed Rathgeb, let go by the Islanders last week, to a three-year contract. The United …
Twin Reunion: Thursday notes
Part of it is the reunion, Connor Jones said, as he and Kellen reunite to join HC Thurgau in Switzerland. Part, also, is the challenge. Their new team is looking for them to create offense. It’s a …
Unshocking surprises: Wednesday notes
It has been a week for disappointing endings that may’ve been a little surprising but not shocking. One came Tuesday, when word came down that the Islanders had cut ties with Yannick Rathgeb. He came, …
Conference finals set: Monday notes
Griffin Reinhart and Jake Bischoff are on to the conference final: Chicago finished off Iowa in six games. Waiting will be San Diego, which also finished off Bakersfield in six, not even needing one …
Across the Pond/Lake: Saturday notes
At least on a quick pass on Friday, only former Sound Tiger on the rosters for the World Championship appears to be Kristers Gudlevskis on Latvia…. unless you count Jan Kovar. (/ducks) (No Yannick …
All-American: Monday notes
We’ve all kind of half-expected it for a few years now, even as it kept being put off, a “well, next year he’ll do it” kind of thing. But this apparently is it, and it’s pretty momentous. Dave Andrews …
Closing it out: Wrap notes
The Big Club is on the brink, and interestingly, no official Black Ace callups. So, presumably, with the ice kept in here, there are players still skating in Bridgeport. Not sure who or how many. We …
The Drought turns 16: Bridgeport’s playoffs in context
The Sound Tigers last won a playoff series in 2003. Since then, except for newcomer Colorado, each of the other 29 franchises in the league has won at least one series. Cleveland was the last team …