Leader in the clubhouse…

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4 Responses

  1. Len says:

    It should be interesting when WBS plays Providence. Unless you look close, it will be hard to tell them apart.

  2. Len says:

    Well, that settles it! There will now be a mass exodus of Penguins from the South Pole. Even down there, they’re ashamed to have THAT jersey seen in public! That jersey sets hockey back 50-60 years(where’s Eddie Shore?). Their 3rd jersey last year (Black/Blue/White) was class. It will be a slow year for WBS merchandising!!!!!!

  3. Raytherockstar says:

    That jersey is terrible! The designer must of been Bonvie himself LOL!

  4. Lori says:

    Makes me like our new orange jersey more now. I definitely don’t like WBS’s third yellows.