RIP, Bill Gonillo

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4 Responses

  1. Len says:

    Billy G. – one of the greatest all-time lovers of sports and, people you’ll ever meet. He’d stop by my seat at Sound Tiger games every time he was in the Arena and we’d exchange opinions about the team, talk sports and always end with a joke (gosh, Bill had a million side-splitting jokes and stories). He ALWAYS had a smile and his personality had an uplifting affect on all he came in contact with. He was a consummate professional in every sense of the word and loved his job, and all the people he met while doing it. Any of us who had the opportunity to interact with him were blessed and better off for the experience. He’ll be missed everywhere, and especially at the Arena for this season’s hockey.
    Bill, it’s time for you to finally sit back and enjoy all sports. God has a front-row seat lined up for you with great sightlines.
    Thank you for all the people who’s lives you’ve touched, including my own, with your own inimitable style. God Bless You!!!!!!!

  2. Rich says:

    I have known Bill for a long time. We went to college together and went our separate ways. After a long time we got the chance to re-unite with each other at Soundtiger games, Bluefish games and High School Football games. I was along side Bill this Friday on the field shooting a high school football game and we were talking about the upcoming hockey season. He was looking forward to what he felt was going to be a big year for the team. Although he loved hockey (did Hartford Whaler pre/post game shows) his true love was high school sports. He was a class act with incredible dedication and a wonderful person to which I am greatful to have been able to work along side of. He will be missed.


  3. Anonymous says:

    ps. still can’t tag!!