“I’m going to make this pencil disappear”

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  1. stan says:

    and tagged it right too…

  2. Fornabaio says:

    Dang it, you beat me to it.

  3. Stan says:

    An entire New Haven front office/coach staff
    Norfolk Admirals

  4. Lori says:

    Great news on Frans’ contract. Just saw Dark Knight and I have to agree with you Mike on the ending. All and all, it was good movie. Also saw Mamma Mia on Friday which was also pretty good especially if you like Abba’s music. Thanks again for all your team updates.

  5. Miriam says:

    Yeah…I kind of got that feeling from the closing interviews they had up on the site. He seemed like HE wanted to come back, but the big guns had other plans. Too bad. I thought he would have fit in well. Ah well…you win some, you lose some, I suppose.

  6. Fornabaio says:

    The last word was no word… but if you’re hoping to have him back, it’s not a good sign that he wasn’t there.

  7. Miriam says:

    Has there been any word on Pete MacArthur? I was excited to hear that he was going to be on Long Island this past week, but was disappointed when he was not there. I hope he’s still around when the season starts.