Fish all day, sleep all night

Somewhere around the 13th or 14th inning, while they were blowing bunt plays, this game sort of turned into the rake scene from Cape Feare**. You know, started cute (first seven innings), got annoying (8-13), then got progressively funnier the longer it went on (14-17).

Seriously, how do you squeeze in a 5-6-2 double play, a 5-6-3 forceout, a 2-6 double play on a bunt, a 1-5-6 (or 1-5-4? They’re running together) out on a bunt, a double steal to end th…

Wait, this is a hockey blog, isn’t it?***

Thoughts from Rochester on Randy Cunneyworth’s hiring as coach of Hamilton.

TEAM Old New
SYR* Ross Yates (4/12) Mark Holick (5/21) 
HOU Kevin Constantine (4/15) Mike Yeo (6/16)
PEO Rick Wamsley (5/6) Jared Bednar (6/15)
ROC Benoit Groulx (5/31)
MTB Scott Arniel (6/8, CLB head coach) Claude Noel (6/21)
HAM Guy Boucher (6/10, TB head coach) Randy Cunneyworth (7/20)
LOW/ALB John MacLean (6/17, NJ head coach) 
BIN Don Nachbaur (6/22)
OKC Todd Nelson (7/15)

*-Syracuse’s new coach was hired by Anaheim. Springfield’s new coach will be hired by Columbus and will be added to the list if it isn’t Rob Daum. Jeff Daniels moves with the franchise from Albany to Charlotte.

The Kovalchuk Rejection even got me a little editorialish on Twitter. Crazy. (Bit over the top.)

Mike Keane won’t be back in Manitoba. End of the line, perhaps.

A lovely Joe Posnanski piece on Dean Smith.

And I am very disappointed that Alice hasn’t seen a fish-slapping bear yet this summer.

All right, gotta be up in like an hour. Good night.

**-9F22, he says out of force of habit though the link’s above.
***-I know, you’d never know it…

Michael Fornabaio