No real practice update, because after a drop-in, we were back on Route 8 for a jaunt to Black Rock for the Cool Fun 101 press conference. A few classrooms’ worth of kids gathered in the gym for a few minutes, met Storm, and peppered Howard Saffan with questions, many of them about Storm. Disheartening: Though they asked some good questions, none of them asked about numbers.
(We asked about different kinds of numbers afterward. Product later in the week.)
The drop-in at Shelton, though, showed pretty much all hands on deck, with Haley and the sicklings back in practice jerseys. Jeremy Colliton had slid into Matt Martin’s spot on the wing, but the other lines looked more or less usual.
Just Andy Hilbert was out, still. And still no firm word on ailment or return, though he reportedly has continued to ride the bike.
If you follow New York sports media, you’ve probably seen the Bill Shannon tributes, but here are a few: Mike Vaccaro, Kevin DeMarrais, Peter Abraham.
And with Halloween coming up, an important note from Language Log: Ravens are non-rhotic.